Terms of use
By choosing to use this website you agree to the following:
- Feel free to share posts that you find helpful or interesting. Just remember: All words, compositions, images, and my voice are © copyrighted. No permission is granted to monetize the content. No permission is granted use any of it without giving full credit to the creator of the content, Valerie L Lopez @valerielopez.com.
- You are invited to comment on posts, just be respectful to everyone. If you don’t like this blog that’s ok, there are millions of other blogs for you. Abusing the comments section by being rude, bullying, or posting inappropriate comments can lead to getting blacklisted. The vibe here is chill and peaceful.
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- Absolutely nothing on this site is to be taken as medical advice in any way. Insights, comments, ideas, points of view, etc are conversational and based on the author’s perspective – and subject to change. Always seek the care of your personal physician or healthcare professional for any medical care, concerns, or questions. If you do not have a physician, seek one out immediately for personalized care. It is not advisable to get your medical care from a post on the internet, no matter who writes it.
- If you are experiencing severe depression or have suicidal thoughts please contact The Suicide Hotline by dialing 988 (in the USA) or your local support agency. We care about you.
- If you are a victim of Human Trafficking text ‘help’ to 233733 or call 1-888-373-7888 (in the USA) http://humantraffickinghotline.org The tip line in the USA is 1-868-347-2423 if you see something, say something – but don’t get directly involved, contact the hotline. Have courage, there are people who are able to help.