New Moon Taurus May 2023
New Moon in Taurus on May 19th at noon EST. Intention setting: What are you building for the long term?
Conversation introducing the themes of ascension, humanity’s core wounds, and the increased energetic frequencies affecting all on Earth today.
Still, Living water. Toss a coin in. CAUSATION. Choose. And choose again. Remain. Still, Living water. This is the Path. Choosing. Becoming. Being. Only in Choosing does One become. Always renewing. Always Becoming.
Equanimity – the Superpower Of Calm
The calm does not come from separation or indifference. The calm comes from knowing that all is One.
Saturn and Pluto – Era of Transformation
In March 2023, Saturn and Pluto change astrological houses, ushering in an era of Human Transformation.
Perfection and the End of Happiness
Doing something, anything, where you put yourself out there is a risk. Whether it’s a creative venture like art or writing, a relationship, or a sales call, there is always a chance for rejection. And no one likes rejection. Sometimes in order to avoid or prevent being rejected we strive to be perfect. Of course,…